Category: Projects

  • Mauerpark

    Formerly defined as ‘poor but sexy’, Berlin has become one of world’s most loved capitals with its subculture and its eccentric, creative, and talented outsiders. Mauerpark is one if not “the” Berlin’s most-visited Sunday hang-out. It is the perfect place to observe the hedonistic side and the persistent anarchist character of the city. The alternative scene that until a few years ago used to live and prosper in Prenzlauer Berg has been driven out by gentrification and the rising costs of living, and the park is its last remaining stronghold.

    On Sundays from spring until autumn the park is packed with a crowd of curious people searching for any kind of amusements.The popularity of the Mauerpark also results from the karaoke sessions that take place at the amphitheater. Mauerpark translates as “wall park” in English. The reason for the name is a stretch of the original Berlin Wall which now serves as a constantly evolving canvas for spraycan artists and a colourful backdrop for the hive of activity that takes place here each weekend. It’s ironic that in the old divided city this space used to be part of the “death strip”, a no-man’s land between the east and west that was dotted with guard towers, lit up with bright lights and patrolled by armed soldiers with dogs.
    Today Mauerpark is a park without walls or boundaries which overcomes social barriers and unites people from different backgrounds and origins.

  • Napoli

    Confronted with Naples, you are tossed into a world that contrasts crushingly with your fate and your ideas of life. If you arrive in the afternoon, it is likely that you will find yourself, whether in a taxi or a bus, surrounded by a complete and uncontrollable chaos of jalopies, most of which are older, slashed-up vehicles, without any headlights or bumpers, but always with functioning horns. Here you will discover a new death-defying life stance. If you choose to go on foot, you will wander in confusion and fright among the dark, damp alleyways, ensnarled in the mythic horror of Naples with a hoarse voice ringing in your ears: “Stay away from the shootings. Naples is a battlefield.” Those who think they can evade all this by taking the Metro surely should have been initiated at a center for Transcendental Meditation far off in a desert. Here Time matters not a wit.

  • Contemporary Light in Berlin

    The image has to create its own world, hopefully self contained, an analog of reality, not a mirror of it.”
    Philip-Lorca di Corcia

    Berlin is probably one the most under spot city in the world since several years. The reason of such big interest may result from its recent past that it has been pretty peculiar: the story of the Mauer,a wall that after the fall turned into a long scar, opening up two different cities/souls.
    A mix of cultures, attitudes, tendencies.

  • The Lower World-Exhibition in Malmö

    THE LOWER WORLD at Gert-Olle Göransson’s Galleri Ping-Pong,
    Stora Nygatan 4, Malmö – Until Dec 2, Monday-Friday 12-18 Sat 12-16