
Confronted with Naples, you are tossed into a world that contrasts crushingly with your fate and your ideas of life. If you arrive in the afternoon, it is likely that you will find yourself, whether in a taxi or a bus, surrounded by a complete and uncontrollable chaos of jalopies, most of which are older, slashed-up vehicles, without any headlights or bumpers, but always with functioning horns. Here you will discover a new death-defying life stance. If you choose to go on foot, you will wander in confusion and fright among the dark, damp alleyways, ensnarled in the mythic horror of Naples with a hoarse voice ringing in your ears: “Stay away from the shootings. Naples is a battlefield.” Those who think they can evade all this by taking the Metro surely should have been initiated at a center for Transcendental Meditation far off in a desert. Here Time matters not a wit.