
Against the violent process of cultural homogenization triggered by globalization and its new productional logics and rhythms, in some corners of the world there are still attempts to preserve a certain lifestyle, traditional forms of social aggregation, habits and very ancient rituals.

Souther Italy is one of these precious receptacles, between the coasts of Calabria and Sicily. Here a sociocultural system centered on the swordfish hunt (pay attention, not fish) resists among growing difficulties.

The hunt for the swordfish is still nowadays the clue of a relationship through which the sacred fear of the unforeseeable and of the power of the sea, gives life to the sacralization of the natural powers to which rites and litanies are offered to obtain a successful ending.

With such respect and technical wisdom the fishermen face the good season when, attracted by the warmth of the sea streams and by the mystery of the reproductive cycle, the xiphias gladius returns in proximity of the shores.